时长:16:29 分会场:2019中国肠道大会 - 新技术大会
抗生素的滥用导致细菌耐药性蔓延、“超级病菌”频发,以至于临床感染在不远的将来将“无药可用”。因此,临床上抗生素的合理使用是遏制耐药性传播的前提与关键。长期以来,临床上病原菌耐药性检测均基于“培养法”,通过测量药物对病原菌细胞的生长抑制程度,来评价其耐药性,通常耗时长达24~48 小时,导致临床上难以实现及时、精准的用药。单细胞中心前期发表了“重水标记单细胞拉曼耐药性快检”与“单细胞拉曼药物应激条形码”的原理,提出了基于单细胞拉曼光谱、免培养测定“最小代谢活性抑制浓度”(MIC-MA)的概念,并发明了一系列单细胞拉曼分选(RACS)核心器件。基于这些方法学革新,单细胞中心研制了首台“临床单细胞拉曼耐药性快检仪”(CAMR-R),不再需要培养,而是基于重水标记单细胞拉曼光谱,在临床尿液菌群样本到达15分钟之内完成细菌种类鉴定,在3小时之内完成针对代谢活性抑制的药敏性实测,而且通过微液滴拉曼分选,直接耦合细菌单细胞基因组测序,以在单细胞精度追踪病原传播和考察耐药性机制。CAMR-R在检测原理、核心器件、分析软件和仪器系统等环节均具有自主知识产权,是临床精准用药实践和菌群耐药机制研究的有力工具。
2008年入选中科院“百人计划”并全 职加入中科院青岛生物能源与过程所。自2008年来主持国家自然科学基金委科学仪器基础研究专项、重大研究计划重点支持项目、重大国际合作、科技部创新方法工作专项、973课题、中科院重大科研装备研制等项目。论文发表于Science、Plant Cell、PLoS Biology、PLoS Genetics、PNAS、Biotechnology Advances、ISME J、Plant J、Analytical Chemistry、Biotechnology for Biofuels、Bioinformatics等50余篇,专利或专利申请19项。基于“单细胞拉曼分选仪”、“单细胞遗传分析仪”等创新科研仪器体系,其主持的单细胞和元基因组特色技术平台正支撑着产学研合作团队在能源、环境、海洋、健康、农业、地质等领域的微生物群落研究。
化学工具的发展可以为肠道菌群研究提供新的研究角度和工具,报告中将介 绍我们近期利用基于 D-型氨基酸的代谢探针,采用序贯标记的方式(sequential tagging with D-amino acid-based metabolic probes, STAMP)实现了粪菌移植过程中植入菌的成像追踪与在受体小鼠体内存活情况的评估,解决了粪菌移植中潜在的发挥治疗效用的细菌种类鉴别这一难题,为深入理解这一极为复杂但又潜力巨大的微生物疗法提供了研究工具, 也为这一疗法的步骤优化与标准化提供了研究方法。此外,还将介绍我们最近在体内菌群实时观察成像方面的工作进展。通过使用带有炔基的 D-型氨基酸探针,在体内代谢标记供体肠道菌群之后,再配合使用带有叠氮基团的红外 II 区荧光染料在体外进行点击化学反应,将荧光基团偶联到菌群表面。将这一菌群植入受体小鼠之后,目前已可以实现小鼠体内菌群的活体实时成像观察,并将成像方法拓展到了各类常见的致病菌与共生菌菌株的在体成像观察中。
王炜 时长:21:15
Nanopore Long Reads: Farewell to Blind Spots in Microbiome Research
吴昕 时长:27:57
Background and Aims: The loss of long-range sequence contiguity in the process of NGS sequencing is an obstacle to understanding the structure and function of genomes and metagenomes. This obstacle negatively affects both clinical research efforts and virtually all microbiome-centric projects as much genetic information cannot be reconstructed from complex mixed microbial communities without culturing the constituent microbes. Methods and Results: The chromosome conformation capture method, Hi-C, restores chromosome-scale contiguity to large genome assemblies and enables the deconvolution of numerous genomes from mixed samples such as complex microbial communities. Hi-C captures genomic proximity interactions through in vivo crosslinking, followed by proximity-ligation and sequencing. Since the crosslinks occur inside intact cells, any two loci that interact by Hi-C must have originated in the same cell, and this data can be used to deconvolute high quality genomes directly from mixed populations. We have developed a metagenomic discovery platform that exploits Hi-C proximity-ligation data and have applied it to a number of diverse sample types. Our ProxiMeta Hi-C extracts large numbers of genomes directly from microbiome samples without culturing, which can also associate plasmids and phage with hosts and separate strains without culturing. Conclusions: We will discuss the application of Hi-C data to a number of diverse microbiome samples. For example, we have been able to discover hundreds of novel strains and species from fecal and infected samples, as well as identify novel plasmid/phage host interactions.We have been able to identify the host for a number of AMR genes within novel species, underscoring the value of proximity-ligation data to microbiome research.
Ivan Liachko 时长:20:08